Privacy Policy


This Privacy Notice has been prepared to communicate the privacy principles which govern the use MASTROTTO BRASIL S.A (“Mastrotto Brasil”), including data collected through the website (“Website”).

This Privacy Notice describes the operation of the Website related to the processing of personal data of the Users who consult it. The notice concerns only this Website and no other websites that may be consulted by the user via links found on this site.




Mastrotto Brasil informs that the processing of your Personal Data will be based on the principles of lawfulness, adequacy, necessity, purpose, quality, transparency, safety, prevention, confidentiality and no discrimination. Your Personal Data will be processed in accordance with the applicable laws.

Controller and Processor

The Controller is Mastrotto Brasil, with headquarters in the City of Cachoeira, State of Bahia, at Rodovia BR 101, KM 201, Estrada Capoeiruçu-BA. All user’s requests concerning Personal Data shall be addressed to the mentioned address or to the e-mail [email protected]. The Processor is any individual or legal person, of public or private law, that performs the processing of Personal Data on the Controller’s behalf. Mastrotto Brasil may engage third parties to perform some of its activities as Processors. In that sense, Mastrotto Brasil may share Personal Data with third parties acting as Controllers. For further information about the sharing of Personal Data, please refer to the Sections “Third parties that may access your Personal Data” and “International Transfer”.

Types of data that are processed

“Personal Data” means any information concerning an identified or identifiable individual. Name, e-mail address, telephone number, location data, online identifier or other distinctive elements that may identify the User are examples of Personal Data.


The Personal Data collected during the browsing of the website are the following:


a) “Usage and Browsing data” means information collected automatically by this Application (or by third-party applications used by this Application) including: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User who connects with this Application; the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation; the time of the request; the method used in submitting the request to the server; the size of the file obtained in response; the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.); the country of origin; the characteristics of the browser and of the operating system us


Mastrotto Brasil process Usage and Browsing Data for purposes of (i) obtain aggregated information about the use of the Website; (ii) verify the proper functioning of the Website and (iii) contacting with the User, when requested by the User. Such information is not collected by Mastrotto Brasil to enable association with an identified natural person, however, by the very nature of the information, may allow the identification of the User.


Usage and Browsing Data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical cybercrime against the Website.


b) “Personal Data provided voluntarily by the User”. The User may voluntarily provide Personal Data such as full name, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address and a description of the order through the Contact Us form or by contacting the Controller directly for this purpose.


Mastrotto Brasil will process Personal Data voluntarily provided by the User in accordance with applicable law, considering that the User legitimately provides his or her Personal Data or third-party Personal Data. If the User shares Personal Data from third parties, the User will be the controller of such Personal Data, in accordance with the applicable law. With respect to these assumptions, you are the autonomous data controller, assuming all the legal obligations and responsibilities.


c) Cookies and similar technologies. Mastrotto Brasil collects personal data through cookies. More information on the use of cookies and related technologies is available in the “cookie policy” section.

Purposes of processing

Personal Data will be processed by Mastrotto Brasil for the following purposes:


  • Performance of the contract of which the User is part of or preliminary proceedings taken upon his or her request (e.g. request for information, quotations for products, etc.);
  • Compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the Controller;
  • For the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration procedures;
  • When necessary to fulfill the legitimate interests of the controller or a third-party, in accordance with applicable law.


In addition, aggregated or anonymized data may be processed for research or statistical analysis purposes, to verify the functioning, traffic or to evaluate the usability of the Website.


Cookies are portions of code that identifies the interaction between the User and the Website in order to ensure the optimal use of the Website according to the purposes described in the Privacy Notice. Mastrotto Brasil uses Cookies to provide a better Website experience and to enable personalized features.


What are the main types of cookies?


For the purpose of this Privacy Notice, two categories of cookies are identified: “technical” cookies and “profiling” cookies.


a. Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of “transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network. 


b. Profiling cookies.
Profiling cookies are used to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages based on the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the internet.


Session Cookies are limited to your current browser session. These cookies are deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent Cookies allow sites to recognize that you are an already known user or visitor and adapt accordingly.


First-party cookies are created and readable by the site that created them. Third-party cookies, on the other hand, are created and readable by domains that are external to the site and their data are kept at the third party’s location.

Registered visitors

We analyze the online activities of the visitors registered on our websites and online services through the use of cookies and other tracking methods. If you receive our communications, these can be customized according to the preferences you have shown on the site.

In addition, we use other tracking technologies inside the communications you receive from us (for example, to know if our emails are received, read and clicked) in order to make future communications more in line with your interests.

What cookies we use and how

Google Analytics

It is a web statistical service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). The collected data are used in order to track and examine the browsing within the site; the collected data can be shared with other services managed by Google. The data collected could be used by Google for the personalization of advertisements within its network. What data are collected? Usage data.
More information: Privacy Policy – Disable tracking

Google Adwords conversion

This service enables the linking of the AdWords ads to the user to evaluate their behavior and the actions that are performed in relation to the defined objectives. What data are collected? Usage and browsing data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Google Dynamic remarketing / display advertising

They are Remarketing, and Behavioral Targeting services connected to the Google advertising network with the aim of linking the activity tracked by Analytics during website browsing with the AdWords and DoubleClick network in order to show the ads that are as relevant to the user’s interests as possible. What data are collected? Usage and browsing data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Google Maps

It is a service that enables the display of geographic maps and their integration within a website and to show geolocalized information. What data are collected? Usage data and GPS position (if active).
For more information: Privacy Policy

AddThis Widget

It is a Widget that enables the interaction with different social networks and external channels to simplify the sharing of site content. Depending on the configuration of the widget, it can show icons or buttons for the direct interaction with the various social networks, in this case the third parties who provide the service (e.g. Facebook) will be aware of the activities carried out through the widget.
What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Like button and Facebook social widgets

They are services provided by Facebook which enable the direct interaction of the site with the social network, facilitating the sharing and “Like-ing” directly from the page.
What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Facebook Authentication

Connects the Social Network to the site and enables direct registration and authentication through your social account, linking the site to your profile. What data are collected? Personal data, part of the data depends on the service’s specific policies.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Tweet button Twitter social widgets

They are services provided by Twitter which enable the direct interaction of the site with the social network, facilitating the direct sharing of content and posts. What data are collected? Usage data.
For more information: Privacy Policy

+1 Button and Google+ social widgets

They are services provided by Google which enable the direct interaction of the site with the social network, facilitating the direct sharing of content and posts. What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Pinterest widget and “Pin it” Button

They are services provided by Pinterest which enable the direct interaction of the site with the social network, facilitating the direct sharing of content and images on the board. What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Instagram widget

It is a social network for the management of images and through the widget it enables the integration of images from the platform into your pages. What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

YouTube video playback

They are services provided by YouTube which enable the direct interaction of the site with the social network, facilitating the direct sharing of content and posts. What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

Vimeo video playback

They are services provided by Vimeo which enable the direct interaction of the site with the social network, facilitating the direct sharing of content and posts. What data are collected? Usage data.

For more information: Privacy Policy

How to manage Cookies within the browser?


The user has the right to also manage cookies through the settings of their browser. Below we list the sites where you can find the management procedure for different browsers.


Google Chrome
Microsoft Explorer
Safari, iPhone, iPad 

Subjects who might become aware of your data

Personal data may be known:

a. by subjects whose intervention is necessary for the provision of the services offered by the Website including, by way of example, the analysis of the operation of the site, who act as data managers for Mastrotto Brasil;

b. by persons authorized by Mastrotto Brasil for the processing of personal data who are committed to confidentiality or have a legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees and associates of the Controller);

c. by jurisdictional authorities during the exercise of their functions when required by applicable law.

The data are not subject to disclosure.

Automated tools

No automated decision-making processes are applied in the processing of personal data carried out for the purposes referred to in this Privacy Notice.

Data retention times

The personal data collected while browsing the Website will be kept for the time necessary to pursue the purposes. The data will be stored in accordance with the applicable law.  

International Transfer

Personal Data may be shared with Gruppo Mastrotto Spa, which will act also as a Controller. The international transfer will occur based on management provisions and services.

Rights of the interested party

As an interested party regarding the processing of your personal data, you have the right to obtain confirmation of their existence, to know their content, to verify their accuracy, to access your data, to ask for their origin, correction, integration, deletion, their purposes and methods of processing, their update if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law and to oppose their processing and to obtain the limitation of their processing; you have the right to transform them into anonymous data and to block data processed in violation of the law; finally, you have the right to the portability of your data.


Requests should be sent to the Data Controller at the following e-mail address: [email protected].


If you believe that your personal data have been processed in a way that does not comply with the law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with National Data Protection Authority.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by notifying Users on this page. Therefore, please consult this page often, referring to the last modification date indicated at the bottom. In case of non-acceptance of the changes made to this privacy policy, the User is required to stop using this Website.

Contact Information

Requests should be sent to the Data Controller as follow:


Data Protection Officer: Elenilton Mota


Email: [email protected]


Last modification: September 16th, 2019